
Pipenet vision
Pipenet vision

 The user interface display has been improved for the Chinese operating systems  The display precision has been increased for pump settings  The non-return valve model is more accurate for loops  A warning is issued when a pipe type or user-defined schedule is deleted, to avoid inadvertent loss of data  The node elevation updating is more flexible  The operating point has been added in the NFPA report

pipenet vision

 Tooltip has been added for the general pressure loss component  The unit conversion has been improved for the Autolayout tool  The text contents of a text component can now be searched

pipenet vision

#Pipenet vision manuals

 The training manuals have been improved and they have been integrated into the main user interface  Several utilities, including XML to excel converter, RES to csv converter and Standard/Spray to Transient converter have been integrated into the main user interface  The results can be displayed in the user interface without any table selected  Velocity pressure options can be saved as a part of the default options  Pipe type output is capable to handle special characters  Pumps have been improved for the smooth (spline) type  The checking in the general pressure loss library is more comprehensive  The general pressure loss component result output is clearer in the report  The underlay (a graphic that can be imported to appear behind the network schematic) can now be re-positioned and re-scaled It is no longer necessary to input both design and analysis specifications when it is not necessary  A simplification to the design/analysis dialog box and tools which makes it much more flexible and easier to use. Spray/Sprinkler Module Enhancements include…  The ‘Convert to Transient ‘utility now includes pressure Loss and nozzles The components are in alphabetical order it is now possible to hide those with a count of zero  The count of components in a network in the properties panel is improved.  The component graphical output results selection has been simplified  500 specifications can now be made in a network  500 nozzles can now be included in a network  It is now possible to have 200 general pressure loss components in a network  It is now possible to have 200 operating valves in a network

pipenet vision

 It is now possible to have 2000 pipes in a network  It is now possible to have 3000 flow nodes  It is now possible to have 100 types of fitting on a given pipe  Transient spec time-function handling has been enhanced for all time units  The output report has been improved for maximum air flow of vacuum breaker and caissons  The output report has been improved with velocity summary added  The output report has been improved with better format for pressure extrema

pipenet vision

 A milli-second time unit is now included in PIPENET  A new diaphragm type accumulator model is now available, extending the range of applications on which it can be used  Pump calculation accuracy is improved for reverse flow and rotation for the inertial pump model  Two-node caisson is more reliable than ever before  Vacuum breaker has been improved, delivering even better calculation  Channel cavitation modelling is now faster with improved capability for timestep  Dry pipe model has improved performance when considering the effect of air passing valves csv format, as well, and opened with a spreadsheet program  Force time history time can now be output in.  Improved initial steady-state calculations for networks, with control loops – and large vessels are faster and more stable than ever  A new Ribbon style results browser is available  An improved graph viewer with many new features for manipulating information in the graph viewer window Maxima and minima arising during the calculation are captured in the graphical output  Smart Output is a new feature ensuring that maximum and minimum values will now not be missed because of large output graphical time steps. We have added over 150 enhancements in PIPENET Vision 1.8.0! PIPENET Vision 1.8 Transient Module Enhancements include … The PIPENET Development Team has been working hard for you to make PIPENET even better.

Pipenet vision